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Oct 31, 2019

On today's 8 Days a Week, Vince Russo and Jeff Lane discuss a tweet by AEW Vice President Cody Rhodes saying that Vince is sending the "Brand Bots" after today's wrestling product, and Matt Koon's implications that Jeff trolls him under a fake Twitter account. Also looking at the week in The Brand, Disco Inferno...

Oct 31, 2019

Claudette King, dubbed "The Bluz Queen" is the youngest daughter of THEE Ultimate Blues Master, B. B. King! She recently was inducted into the blues Hall of Fame and now hangs in #Goldy's Closet talking about her new book, acting, recording, touring and everything in between! If you LOVE the blues or just a LOVER...

Oct 29, 2019

Every day we deal with sadness, heartache, depression and anxiety. Many times this comes from the hate of the world that is cast upon us daily. We lose our power and hand it directly over to the enemy. But the truth is---as Believers---we never had "the control" to begin with---G-d did. And, with G-d in...

Oct 29, 2019

Unfiltered marriage starts off this week talking about a kid in Iowa using the McLovin ID and getting busted. Then we discuss age in relationships and if it matters. Plus, checking your significant other's phone. Real love and what should matter when you find it. Children held captive for 9 years and were told the world...

Oct 28, 2019

Goldberg defeated another victim of the streak Big Vito . This week we will talk about almost never talked about winning streaks. Do they always end in Disappointment? Is there a payoff? Plus has Noel finally had enough of Vitos " Big Vito Hookup" stories?