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Mar 31, 2018

Noel Harlow LoGrasso and Jessica Bunny discuss the latest episode of "Teen Mom OG" and "Bridezillas" the "Pageant Zilla". Find out which cast member incited A BRAWL on twitter by calling Noel a "Lady GaGa Wannabe", and which Teen Mom cast member is expecting a baby now! Plus all the reality show rumors including:...

Mar 30, 2018

Rich is out and Rocky's wife Jessica joins for a bit. Stormy Daniels, Shane McMahon and the marks, teacher has sex with student husband challenges dad to a fight, how to deal with trolls and their mindstate and more with big vito. 

Mar 28, 2018

Vince Russo launches another show FREE on both ITUNES and GOOGLE PLAY every Wednesday entitled, "8 Days a Week", where he and co-host Lollipop Lane play clips from the past week show's on the RELM NETWORK in addition to NEW content. Highlights from "Getting Color" with Vito LoGrasso, the RAW/SD REVIEW with Bin Hamin and...

Mar 26, 2018

On this very special edition of "That's LIfe", Francesca T. and Luckey Da Truth join Vince to discuss racism in today's society. Listeners to the show, Francesca and Luckey, contacted Vince about coming on the podcast when someone online last week labeled Russo a "racist". Irate over those remarks,  the two supporters...

Mar 26, 2018

Vince explains to his followers, The "BELOVED" BRAND, why Lions, Tigers, Bears and Disco is NOT on PodcastOne today. He then lays out his new programming schedule starting today on The Relm Network: Brought to you by Vince also reveals a NEW...