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May 29, 2020

Rocky is not in a good mood and takes it on everyone. Talking about the police brutality. Joe Biden is a complete idiot. Jimmy Fallon is in trouble for a 20 year old SNL sketch. Crazy lady in central park calls cops on man for no reason. Stupid YouTube beefs and a lot more.

May 28, 2020

Vince Russo and Jeff Lane take you through the week in The Brand with clips discussing Bayley and her promo ability, thoughts on what Jim Cornette said about Becky Lynch getting pregnant, Vince McMahon once telling Vince "I love you" and much more featuring Stevie Ray, Disco Inferno, Stevie Richards, Bin Hamin,...

May 28, 2020

Joe "Joey" Dandeneau, from Theory, formally Theory of a Deadman hangs in #GoldysCloset discussing fast cars, hot women and life on the road. We talk about drum solos, live sound and what REALLY what happens backstage. Live vicariously through this bonafide Rockstar and legit percussive badass.

#JoeDandeneau #Theory...

May 26, 2020

We have a first time in Studio K. Everybody loves Mick Foley. Love is blind on Netflix could be the most desperate show of all time. Is it ok to be single? Would you marry someone you never had sex with? If so, what would you do as a women if the guy had a micro penis and now you married him? Should you...

May 26, 2020

Coming off the suicide of 22 year-old, former wrestler, Hana Kimura, on today's "That's Life" Vince discusses why suicide is never the answer. God did not give us life, only for us to take it. How do we cope with life during those times where we feel we have come to our end? Where do we go for hope? If you're feeling...